Pricing and subscription plans

First-class affiliate marketing tools for every member
White label, marketplace
Tracking, integrations
Reports, automation
Help and support 24/7
Free onboarding for every new customer
For affiliates
For CPA networks and agencies
For brands and advertisers
We will help you transfer and set up your offers from another CPA-network or affiliate program
Import offers, campaigns, and other entities
Set up their work on the platform HOQU
Instant start.
Trial without linking a bank card.
Personal manager.
Get FREE 30-Day Trial
What happens if the number of conversions exceeds the limit?
If the limit is exceeded, each conversion will be charged depending on your rate plan:
$0.029 for the Intro rate plan
$0.02 for the Basic rate plan
$0.015 for the Business rate plan
Can I customize the rate plan to suit me?
Yes, the Custom rate plan includes a custom package of conversions, impressions, and clicks at an individual price. Contact your account manager to customize your rate
What are the methods of payment?
By bank card or bank transfer to the company account
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
Yes. The money for the unused period will not be refunded
Can I change my rate plan up or down?
Yes, at any time. The money for the unused period will not be refunded
Do you have real-time support?
Yes, you can use the support chat on the website or email INFO@HOQU.COM or Telegram your account manager